Golden Grenades

Episode 23: Jamie Dunning

After a bit of a hiatus, Golden Grenades is back! Joining YOLOBirder this time is ornithologist, Jamie Dunning. Jamie is working on his PHD at Imperial College on the social lives of House Sparrows, has discovered that Puffins’ bills fluoresce and has an amateur project on the go on Twite in England. Some of us are interested in birds, but Jamie has taken it to the next level!

Contains the birds that led to the creation of the Muppets, birds that go to the pub and the bird that keeps Jamie awake at night!

Golden Grenades
Golden Grenades
Episode 23: Jamie Dunning


Golden Grenades is a weekly podcast about birds and those who worship them, all set against the heart-warming, upbeat backdrop of the end of the world. Each week, YOLOBirder chats to a special guest about their five favourite birds, one of which must enter a best bird duel against the mighty peregrine falcon!

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